Wednesday, 7 September 2016

We live in a world full of hidden gems.
To be more precise, I live in a county full of one of the most precious gems.
The rawness of nature.

It's Spring, possibly my favourite month. I feel as if everything comes to life in Spring and it's one big lead up to a season where our surroundings are in full bloom.

One of my 'resolutions' of the New Year was to say YES to more things. For me, exercise is usually a big NO. However, I'm saying yes and the simplicity of a walk can still mean I incorporate exercise and a healthy way of living into my everyday life.
I'm the type of person who despises the beginning of a walk and wants to turn around to go back to the car straight away, however once I'm into it, I really do enjoy it.

My boyfriend purchased a National Trust Membership, for a sparing £2 a month it didn't really break the bank, plus we already make a HUGE saving every time we get a car parking spot on the National Trust! This also means lots of discounts on specific grounds such as gardens, public houses and car parks for beaches (which are more than often free if they're part of the NT).

- If you want to know more about this, click here to find out where you could go with your membership-

At the beginning of April, we took a trip down memory lane. To a garden in Falmouth (which must I say is probably my favourite town in Cornwall)

Although not part of the National Trust, Trebah Gardens is a definite must-go in Spring/Summer, especially when it's in full bloom and array of colour. If you're a local, you're bound to know about the 'shortcuts' to Trebah via their beach. You can access this either by boat, or if you take an excursion round the coast from Glen Durgan beach. It's a shingle beach but allows dogs and has picnic benches.

The gardens it's self is anything but cramped, with a wide open space containing large ponds, presentations of beautiful species of plants and flowers. It's stunning in the sun and is a perfect sun trap. Facilities nearby mean you can accommodate your hungry needs with food from the restaurant/ cafe, but in all honesty, you might as well pack your own food as there's places to sit down in the sun and have a picnic.

It's the little things which remind you that you live in a truly beautiful place...

N x
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