Tuesday, 15 December 2015

What's next...

I'm going to take a break from the chatty make-up videos and anything beauty related and take it back to personal everyday life THINGS. Basically just a little update about my life.. 

Anyone who knows me will know that I'm in my last year of college, I'm sure the majority of people reading this will also be too. It's exciting to know I'll be doing something I enjoy rather than the persistent and non-stop work of A levels hopefully very soon. I don't think moving away, studying even more and risking the chance of probably not enjoying it is for me, therefore for now i've decided not to go to a uni far away.
I've gone through the relentless battle of UCAS and trying to sort it out for a possible uni course I want to carry on at my current college. A lot of people will probably think that uni life is the best part of the last couple of teenage years (the party part sounds great; don't get me wrong) however even though I haven't tried it, I don't think it will be for me. 
I've applied for a 3 year HND in Moving Image which is to do with filming and editing. Doing something I love is definitely important to me as I feel as if I've struggled 2 years in college education studying topics I don't enjoy. If the HND isn't what I want to do before it gets to next year, I'll definitely be looking at an apprenticeship to see if that's the way I want to go.
I've started a YouTube channel and with just over 100 subscribers, it's definitely not going as well as I initially thought it would, however with college, work and lack of equipment, it is hard to get to the place I would dream in being and the target audience in such a short amount of time; so I guess I'm happy with it at the moment. 
I've always aspired to be a YouTuber since I first started making videos years ago with very embarrassing footage of me miming to music and making 'music videos'. After watching YouTubers such as the very popular 'Zoella' from the start, I realised talking infront of a camera about beauty, my life, and various other topics is the one thing which I actually would enjoy. 
I'm not the type of person to take part in activities, sports and maintain hobbies, being not the most confident person in myself and around others, the idea of being confident in front of a camera yet still getting myself across to an audience compels me to do what I can to at least get a few loyal viewers who enjoy my videos. Whether thats 500, or 500,000 it really doesn't matter. 
A job or a hobby, It's something I'd love to do and studying and taking part in media is something I love to do. 
Currently working in retail as a side job in my free time is helping me along financially and confidently, although I know that I don't want my future to be in retail, I've definitely learnt i'm more of a practical person.

I can't stress enough that if anyone watching this is like me and not 100% sure what they want to do, don't worry. You don't need to know, don't let people tell you that you NEED to decide. Gap years, and taking time out is available, you may want to get education out of the way but you can come back to it. I know people in uni who are 30 odd and taking courses in things completely irrelevant to what they first initially wanted to do when they were 18/19. Do what you want to do!

So yeah, that's my thoughts.
If anyone wanted to check out my YouTube channel, it is very sparse at the moment and rather unprofessional compared to the majority of YouTubers out there but I'm a beginner and in the process of learning! I'd also appreciate any feedback, criticism and new subscribers!
 Click there to take a look -->    Niki27x  

Thanks to those who currently support my love for YouTube and writing (even if i'm not the best) Even by watching, liking and sharing posts, it means a lot!
N x

“The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position.” 
― Leo Buscaglia


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