Tuesday, 23 February 2016


I've been thinking long and hard about the future. What I'd like to do compared to what I should do. I keep thinking to myself, why do I keep drawing myself out of what I actually would enjoy? I feel as if I should be working hard to join the police force, or be a nurse or even a teacher but to be brutally honest, none of that interests me. What interests me is media, art and community through the internet.

Art in the ways in which I can express myself, musically, artistically through everyday, freelance and theatre make-up. Whether I will get over my inner teenage dream of earning money through social media on YouTube and promoting certain companies and working with filming- probably not. Whether I will easily achieve that- probably not. Although I'm beginning to get together ideas of things that would interest ME. Not what other people want me to bring to the table.

Therefore I want to put together a portfolio with make-up looks, freelance make-up and 'arty farty' things that may help inspire myself to see what certain aspect of media I enjoy the most, and with the help of others to see what parts I'm best at.

If anyone has any ideas with what I could do, or if you want to get involved in the model stage/ photography part then let me know on Facebook message, or Twitter, Instagram and YouTube (Niki27x) I will also so greatly appreciate any messages or new subscribers and viewers.

N x


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